About The Company

About The Company

Alliance Benefit Group of Houston, Inc. (ABG) is one of the fastest growing retirement plan, pension administration and recordkeeping firms in Texas. We provide services to all types of qualified retirement plans, with particular emphasis on 401(k) plans.
historyMichael G. Pettey founded Custom Benefit Services in 1978 to service employee benefit plans. In 1992, he formed Alliance Benefit Group as a separate company to concentrate on the rapid growth of the qualified retirement plan market. Since that time, ABG has focused on providing daily valuation services for small to mid-size companies. Growth in pension administration firms over the past few years has been reflected in the growth of ABG.


Alliance Benefit Group of Houston, Inc. is certified by the leading industry trade groups and institutions. It is important to us to maintain these high qualities and standards in order to provide our clients with the best service possible.

SSAE-16-150x150Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 16

This is a SSAE 16 audited organization. SSAE 16 effectively replaces SAS 70 as the authoritative guidance for reporting on service organizations. It is a widely recognized auditing standard developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). It represents that a service organization has been through an in-depth audit of their control objectives and control activities, which often include controls over information technology and related processes. In today global economy, service organizations or service providers must demonstrate that they have adequate controls and safeguards when they host or process data belonging to their customers.

cikr-new-memberCouncil of Independent 401(k) Recordkeepers (CIKR)

ABG Houston is a member firm of the Council of Independent 401(k) Recordkeepers (CIKR). CIKR is a sister organization of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA). CIKR members are unique in that they are primarily in the business of providing retirement plan services as compared to financial service companies who primarily are in the business of selling investments.

Contact us today for more information or to request a proposal, or fill out our proposal form here.