Happy New Year from Our Family to Yours!

Can you believe 2016 is ending and 2017 is just around the corner? It has been a big year at Alliance Benefit Group and we want to take a few minutes to reflect on the year behind us as we greet 2017 with great expectation for what is yet to come.

Here are few highlights from our year:

Retirement Plan Specialists - ABG HoustonNew Video Series Launched in 2016

In May, ABG Houston launched a new video series via YouTube where you can learn more about the company, how our services can benefit you or your company, and receive educational tips on navigating the world of retirement.

View our YouTube Channel & Watch the Videos

Bubble Soccer at ABG Houston Family Fun DayABG Houston’s Family Fun Day Event

This summer, the ABG Houston family spent some time outside of the office for a Family Fun Day Event. Colleagues enjoyed spending the day together and engaging on a more enjoyable and personal level outside the typical work environment. We want to thank our Planning Committee and everyone who participated, once again, for a successful and fun event!

In case you missed it, check out the Highlights from Family Fun Day.

Employee Spotlight Blog Series

ABG Houston started a new blog series in 2016 designed to periodically introduce you to one of our employees. Through these interviews, employees share their background, guiding philosophies and why they choose Alliance Benefit Group.

Get to know the many people behind Alliance Benefit Group.

At ABG Houston, we are honored to have had the opportunity to help you with your retirement plan services this year. We thank each one of you for your continued support, partnership and trust. We have had a great year in 2016 and we look forward to the new year with much anticipation!

Happy New Year from all of us here at ABG Houston!