Client Login

Participant Account Access

Login to Participant Account Our secure website can be accessed by participants to view participant statements of account, investment fund information, and plan fact sheets. Also, you can transfer funds, reallocate account balances, change investment elections, and perform loan analysis/modeling (depending on plan availability). If you experience any difficulties in logging in to the site, please call (877)-616-4015 for assistance.

Plan Sponsor Account Access & Data Validation Center

Login to Plan Sponsor Account Our easy-to-use secure plan sponsor website provides you access to your participating employees account information and the ability to perform transactions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is also where you can access the data validation center to upload files. If you experience any difficulties in logging in to the site, please call (713) 690-9898 for assistance.

Lockbox (File Upload) Access

Login to Lockbox ABG Houston provides our clients and employees with secure electronic communications tools to maintain the security and integrity of all data. Before logging into the Lockbox, a user needs a username and password. Please contact [email protected] to get a username and password.