Giving Raises a Greater Impact

Giving Raises a Greater Impact

Many companies will be forced to give raises in 2025. In these post-COVID, high times many companies are struggling with employee retention and/or increased employee cost causing pricing pressures on their goods or services. A great idea to solve both problems is to...

2025 Retirement Plan Limits

We are pleased to provide you with the recently released cost of living adjustments that affect the dollar limits for the retirement plans for the 2025 tax year. There are 3 items of particular note in the 2025 numbers: The increases to the dollars limits for...
Retirement: Quick Facts

Retirement: Quick Facts

ABG’s comprehensive Retirement Plan Services are designed to streamline your company retirement plan and benefits offerings. Consider the following food for thought: 25 years ago (1991), 89% of American workers expected to be retired by at least age 65. Today...

Mid-Year Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan Changes and Taxes

Relief regarding mid-year amendments to safe harbor 401(k) plans arrived earlier this year with IRS notice 2016-16. The notice provided a short list of prohibited mid-year changes leaving all other mid-year changes available. This IRS guidance helps plan sponsors...