by ABGHouston | Feb 6, 2025 | 401k Insight, Retirement Plan Advice, Retirement Plan News
One of the provisions of Secure 2.0 allows Plan Sponsors to match Qualified Student Loan Payments (QSLPs). Plan Sponsors often seek to maximize contributions that owners and other key personnel can make to their plans, while minimizing total employer costs. So why...
by ABGHouston | May 15, 2019 | 401k Insight, financial, Millenials, Retirement Plan Advice
Student loan debt in America now totals more than $1.5 trillion according to the St Louis Federal Reserve.* In addition, the most recent Survey of Household Economics and Decision-Making from the Federal Reserve Board indicates that 42% of Americans who have attended...
by siteadmin | Dec 5, 2016 | 401k Insight, Alliance Benefit Group, Retirement Plan News
Retirement plan assets are becoming more “balanced.” Over the past several years, 401(k) participants have increased their overall allocation to balanced funds. According to data analyzed by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the Investment...
by siteadmin | Aug 13, 2016 | 401k Insight
Relief regarding mid-year amendments to safe harbor 401(k) plans arrived earlier this year with IRS notice 2016-16. The notice provided a short list of prohibited mid-year changes leaving all other mid-year changes available. This IRS guidance helps plan sponsors...
by siteadmin | Aug 10, 2016 | 401k Insight, Retirement
Last year as the initial Conflict of Interest Proposal caught many retirement planning industry experts by surprise, we provided insight on this game-changing proposal from Pete Swisher, CFP©, CPC, Senior Vice President and National Sales Director at Pentegra...
by siteadmin | Aug 4, 2016 | 401k Insight, roth
A 401(k) in-plan Roth conversion also called an in-plan Roth rollover (IRR) allows the participant to transfer the non-Roth portion of their 401(k) into a designated Roth account within the same plan. The upside of contributing to a Roth 401(k) from a participant...